Sunday, February 24, 2019

How to check notepad++ backup files

Hiya Friends,
Hope you all are doing Well !!!

I would like to share one of my experiences "How to check notepad++ backup files" and "How to take backup of notepad++ files" here which may useful and helpful for everyone either technical or non-technical person.

Because many times people asked me about this and some of people they took their backup but they are not able to restore or open the files, So that way they missed their backup files.

As a technical person, we can understand how much a backup files is important which we need all in our life. And if once lost then how feel on that… So, hope this may useful and helpful here.

1. How and where to check notepad++ backup files.

To check the notepad++ backup files,

Please follow the below steps:

Goto "Settings" Menu at top of the notepad++

Then click on "Preferences..."

Then In the Left Hand Side, You will see "Backup"
at 10th position. Click on "Backup"

Now, In Right Hand Side you will see the "Backup Path"
as example: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup\

From here, please copy the path and you can check you logs.

2. How to take backup of notepad++ files.

Friends, whenever you are taking backup of the notepad++ files, don't take directly only files backup.

For example our path is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup\

So, here take the backup of the "Backup" directory as shown above.

People searched for below:

Thanks !!!
TechOrNontech Team

AWR Concepts and details

Hiya Friends, Topic: AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) understanding…
Damn sure you all are doing well in your life… If you have any problem means you are doing something big in your life.

Today, we would like to share regarding AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) which is a very important in oracle DBA’s life. And also, it is designed especially for oracle internal purpose.

Actually, we are collecting main points and trying to make it easy to understand.
Hope it may useful also we will put some more points here as days goes…

In 11.2 spawrrac.sql is replaced by the AWR Global RAC report (awrgrpt.sql) report, a Server Performance AWR RAC report.

$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrgrpt.sql (for RAC)

$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql ( for single instance)

When we need AWR report:
We need the AWR when the performance is slow or degraded over time due to increased user activity.
When the performance of the database over time has been slow-down or degraded due to the changing or increased content in the database.
AWR helps in the performance of DB has become slower if the either patchset applied or app server version has changed.
Also, it helps to when the performance of DB has become slower after either database patchset applied or the database version has changes.

We need to check in AWR:

At top 3rd line, we will see
Begin Snap, End snap, Elapsed and DB time

So, here if the “DB Time” value is higher than “Elapsed” value , it means session is waiting for something…

DB Time > Elapsed = Session is waiting for something.

Sessions: Here value is 00:47 start and End at 00:31, it means before running AWR, Database was busy. So we need to calculate after the 10 min of start time and before 10 min end time.

2. You will see Load Profile:
It shows the brief description about the database uses and workload.

For example if the values of “Redo Size” per second is 194 K and per Transaction is 45 K, it means the average transaction generates about 45 K of redo data and the Database produces 194K redo per second.

3. Cache load profile (Interconnect traffic in kb = 5 mb)

4. Buffer Cache Section (data block should access from local cache, % should be high. ie. cache fusion)

5. Global Cache and Enqueue Services (global cache operation should be less (milisec) -- if more than 5ms then we need to check cluster interconnections.

6. GCS and GES messages across the private network. (It should be less.)

To be continued…

Some more useful links:


Friday, February 22, 2019

How to Study and Prepare for Exams

Hiya Friends,
I would to share some tips which I have been used for study purpose and got the good results in my life.

While studying we think as it is easy and now will remember for long time. But after some time or days, we will forget it.

Then we think that ohhh whatever I read, I forget the stuff, I am not good or my mind is not sharp like others.

But the Truth is "Everybody forgets the stuff".

If you don't want to forget anything, whatever you have read or studies. You must need to keep revision periodically which everyone does.

I am damn sure many people are not aware about these things but I have learned from my experiences and IITian's friends experiences:

For example, here very few people check the Index pages of the books but that is very important pages for quick revisions.
Also, I would like to give some tips which are very important.

1. When you studying anything like Mathematics, Science, Physics... ALWAYS READ AND WRITE WITHOUT SEEING.

See, we have to understand the stuff also, that's right but this is easy way to learn and remember for long time.
Just try it and let me know the result, Damn sure it will work.

2. While you are doing revision, always revise through Topic or check the INDEX page of the books.

While you revise or go through the index page of the books, automatically everything will recollect to your mind whatever you have read.
And also, you will come to know what you are missing or forgetting.
I would like to share my real time experiences, during exam time we have prepare for all the subjects.

Especially In Mathematics, when you check or see the Math's Questions, you will feel as "Yes I know it and I can do it" but when do solve on paper, 98 percent of the people will not able to solve it and they do mistakes in exams.

Amazon offers
Mathematics can't be read, it should be always solved on paper. Even last date of exam, you must take paper and pen and solve the Questions.
You should not just see and then think as you can do it.

For quick revision, always see the Index of books and revise from there, I am sure it will very helpful.

While studying Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry always use notebook and pen.

Try and come back for any Queries… Waiting for response…


Sunday, February 17, 2019

ASM alert log file location

Dear All,

In Unix the location of central inventory (oraInventory) can be found from the oraInst.loc file, which exists in the /var/opt/oracle or /etc/ (By default).


[oracle@database etc]$ pwd


[oracle@etc]$ cat oraInst.loc

#Oracle Installer Location File Location





Here, the inventory_loc is ‘/etc/oraInventory’


The log files are below:





/logs/silentInstall.log   (only for Silent installations)


For 10.2.0.X.X to 11.2.0.X.X only





/cfgtoollogs/oui/silentInstall.log   (only for Silent installations)


2. Database alert log: Database Alter log are files, where every database related activities are recorded like instance start, stop, redo log switching, ORA error etc.


A DBA need to check this file for two reasons.


    a. To check health of Database.

b. Check details of any error in Database.


In Oracle 11g Default path for Alter log files is




Ex: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/db01/db001/trace/alert_db001.log


In Oracle 10g Environment, use below command to find path for alter log files.


SQL> show parameter background_dump_dest


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

———————————— ———– ——————————

background_dump_dest                 string      /etc/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace


3. Automatic Storage Management alert log files: ASM is used for providing redundancy and balancing data and load across different disks. Any issue related to ASM below is the path for alter log files (Oracle 11g).


$ORACLE_BASE/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM{instance number}/trace/ alert_+ASM {instance number}.log

Ex: /u01/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/trace/alert_+ASM2.log


4. Clusterware CRS alert log: Real application Cluster is used for high availability and work load distribution among diff-2 servers. To check health of cluster and trouble shooting below is path for alter log file.


The following sections describe the locations of the clusterware log files in Database Software Oracle 10g Release 1.


Cluster Ready Services Log Files

Cluster Ready Services (CRS) has daemon processes that generate log information. Log files for the CRS daemon (crsd) can be found in the following directories:





Oracle Cluster Registry Log Files

The Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) records log information in the following location:




Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) Log Files

You can find CSS information that the OCSSD generates in log files in the following locations:





Event Manager Log Files

Event Manager (EVM) information generated by evmd is recorded in log files in the following locations:





Oracle High Availability Log Files

The Oracle RAC high availability trace files are located in:




Where $ORACLE_BASE is configured and $ORACLE_HOME/racg/log when $ORACLE_BASE is not available.


In Oracle 11g Release 1 onwards logs can be found at this location.


$GRID_HOME/log/{node name}/alert{node name}.log

Ex: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/db02/alertdb02.log


5. Diskmon log files : Disk mon log are basically to check any issue with the disk in the system.


$GRID_HOME/log/{node name}/diskmon/diskmon.lo*

Ex: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/dmorldb02/diskmon/diskmon.log

6. OS Watcher output files : OS watcher logs are helpful for remote DBA when Database Server is hang or reboot automatically. Below is path for Linux/Unix env.




To get OS watcher data of specific date :

cd /opt/oracle.oswatcher/osw/archive

find . -name ‘*12.01.13*’ -print -exec zip /tmp/osw_`hostname`.zip {} \;

where 12- year 01- Month 13-day


7. Os message logfile: OS message log file are logs related to OS related messages. Path for Linux/Unix syatem is below.

